1. From this class I expect a few things: First. to gain practical design experience that will segue into portfolio projects. Second, to be given real-world design problems to solve creatively and conceptually. Third, gain a greater theoretical understanding of how to communicate visually.
2. If I could choose a project, I would like to design a board game. However, I am also interested in editorial design, and packaging.
Below is a simple design brief for a board game assignment which would give students the opportunity to: Develop a product, design packaging, design a cohesive visual system, design a technical document (the instructions)
Objective: Design an original board or card game (or reboot a currently existing game).
Target Audience: (Up to student. Possible examples; Children, gamers, teens, social adults, young adults, college students, etc.)
- Packaging- box for game board/pieces. Should include name of the game, graphic, and descriptive copy/rules.
- Game- game board, pieces, cards, etc.
- Instructions